Monday, May 30, 2011

Winner of the #1 ride of the year, so far.

No one passed the I know how many people actually read my blog. No one said a word about the embarrassing and disgusting article that has been up for weeks now. HA! I thought it was a good idea when I posted it then forgot all about it. I came back to post some rides and thought, "yuck, what was I thinking?" Ah well, if people do actually read this blog, at least you got a small kick of yick.

Tiff and I did an awesome ride Saturday, check it out...I recommend this one to anyone and everyone, it was fantastic!

This ride took us around bright green river bottom farms one of which was a white picket fenced, fancy dressage arena thing that dreams are made of and a few other barns that I wouldn't mind inheriting form someone's rich uncle. The ride followed swelling rivers that were almost giving up their banks, past the west side of Mt. Si's steep cliffs and hidden water falls. We saw long horn cattle, lamas, cows, and full or part Friesian horses. We did 2000+ feet of climbing and mostly avoided busy roads. The weather was overcast, but mostly dry and perfect cool temps. Tiffany wins the Coolest ride prize, she was also a great ride leader, we only got lost once. :)

I did almost bonk, I was there, on the brink of complete energy depletion. By the time we hit the parking lot, my body was done. I was not smart in my calorie intake, I didn't bring enough food. The ride was actually about 75 miles, not sure what I missed when I mapped it, but our on bike computers said so. :) Anyway, we rode for about 6 hours and I had one chocolate chip cookie, one banana, two gels and half a fruit and nut bar. Not enough. We burned 3500 calories and I probably took in 1200, totally guessing on my intake calories, all I know is it wasn't enough. I need to just pack more. I did well on water, drank about 4 full bottles, three water and one gatorade. Next ride I will bring way more, more gels and more real food, maybe a pb&j.

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